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cara instal os lewat flash disk  (Read 3884 times)


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cara instal os lewat flash disk
« on: September 13, 2010, 08:30:29 AM »

Pindahan dari thread lain, karena beda isinya maka di pindahkan disini.

Cara membuat installer windows dari USB  :keren

waw,mantab neh..
Baru tw saia.. Coba ah..

request sob..
Cara instal os lewat fd bijimane tuh ?
Misal ga da dvd room nya kn trpaksa lwt fd.. Ane msh blm tau caranya tuh..

Mohon pncerahannya

Versi bahasa bule  :cool
What you'll need:
USB_PREP8 (alternative download)
PeToUSB (alternative download)
Bootsect.exe (alternative download)
Special Note: If you use the program Nlite be sure to keep the manual installation files as the USB_prep8 script relies on these files.

Extract the files in
The next step is to extract USB_prep8 and PeToUSB.
Next copy the PeToUSB executable into the USB_prep8 folder.
Inside of the USB_prep8 folder double click the executable named usb_prep8.cmd.

These settings are preconfigured for you all you need to do now is click start.
Once the format is complete DO NOT close the window just leave everything as it is and open a command prompt from your start menu (type cmd in the search bar or run box depending on your version of windows.).

Inside of the command windows go to the directory you have bootsect.exe saved.
(use the cd directoryname command to switch folders)

Now type "bootsect.exe /nt52 R:" NOTE R: is the drive letter for my USB stick if yours is different you need to change it accordingly. What this part does is write the correct boot sector to your USB stick, this allows your PC to boot from the USB stick without it nothing works.
Please note: When running the bootsect.exe command you cannot have any windows open displaying the content of your USB stick, if you have a window open bootsect.exe will be unable to lock the drive and write the bootsector correctly.

If all went well you should see "Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes."

Now you can close this command prompt (don't close the usbprep8 one by mistake) and the petousb window.

Now you need to enter the correct information for numbers 1-3.
Press 1 and then enter. A folder browse window will open for you to browse to the location of you XP setup files (aka your cdrom drive with xp cd in)
Press 2 and enter a letter not currently assigned to a drive on your PC
Press 3 and enter the drive letter of your USB stick
Press 4 to start the process.

The script will ask you if its ok to format drive T:. This is just a temp drive the program creates to cache the windows installation files. Press Y then enter.

Once it's done formating press enter to continue again, you can now see the program copying files to the temp drive it created. Once this is done press enter to continue again.

Next you will see a box pop up asking you to copy the files to USB drive yes/no you want to click yes.

Once the script has completed copy files a popup window asking if you would like to USB drive to be preferred boot drive U: select YES on this window.

Now select yes to unmount the virtual drive.

Ok we are done the hard part, close the usbprep8 window.

Now make sure your EEE pc is configured with USB as the primary boot device.
Insert your USB drive and boot up the EEE.

On the startup menu you have two options, select option number 2 for text mode setup.

From this point on it is just like any other windows XP installation delete/recreate the primary partition on your EEE pc and format it using NTFS. Make sure you delete ALL partitions and recreate a single partition or you will get the hal.dll error message.

Once the text mode portion of setup is complete it will boot into the GUI mode (you can press enter after the reboot if your too excited to wait the 30 seconds)

Once the GUI portion of setup is complete you will again have to boot into GUI mode this will complete the XP installation and you will end up at you XP desktop. It is very important that you DO NOT REMOVE THE USB STICK before this point. Once you can see your start menu it is safe to remove the usb stick and reboot your pc to make sure everything worked.

This method has advantages over all current no cdrom methods of installing XP to the EEE. You do not have to copy setup files in DOS to the SSD and install from there. It gives you access to the recovery console by booting into text mode setup, and it gives you the ability to run repair installations of XP if you have problems later on.

I hope this worked out for you and please post feedback to the comments section.
Please note due to the amount of comments this article has received you must now click on "Post a Comment" below the existing comments to view the most recent feedback in a popup window.

Versi bahasa lokal  :ngikik
Jika memang bisa, berikut adalah daftar kelengkapan yang Anda butuhkan.
1. Sebuah PC dengan CD-ROM (untuk melakukan proses persiapan dan transfer file)
2. CD installer Windows XP atau Vista
3. Aplikasi pendukung berupa (ketiganya tersedia di DVD InfoKomputer edisi Februari):
b. PeToUSB
c. Bootsect.exe
4. Flash disk dengan kapasitas minimal 1GB

Beginilah cara memasukkan installer Windows ke dalam flash disk.

1. Copy file PeToUSB.exe ke dalam folder USB_prep8.

2. Jalankan file usb_prep8.cmd dengan cara klik dua kali. File tersebut berada di dalam folder USB_Prep8. Catatan: Jika PC Anda menggunakan Windows XP2, Anda perlu unblock file tersebut agar bisa berjalan. Caranya, klik kanan>Properties>Unblock

3. Nanti akan muncul file jendela.

4. Tekan Enter, dan akan muncul jendela.

5. Biarkan semua setting dalam kondisi default (kecuali jika Anda ingin mengganti label drive) dan tekan Start. Ini akan menformat flash disk Anda, jadi pastikan tidak ada file penting di flash disk tersebut.

6. Setelah proses selesai, JANGAN tutup jendela PeToUSB. Biarkan terbuka.

7. Buka command prompt (caranye klik Start>Run>cmd). Pada panel command prompt, masuk ke folder di mana file bootsect.exe tersimpan. Caranya, ketik “cd namafolder”. Sebagai contoh, karena file bootsect.exe berada di dalam folder bootsect yang berada di desktop, kami mengetik “cd desktop” lalu “cd bootsect” (keduanya tanpa tanda petik).

8. Jika bootsect.exe sudah ketemu, ketik “bootsect.exe /nt52 X:” (tanpa tanda petik). Catatan: X: menunjukkan drive untuk flash disk Anda, jadi cari tahu dulu nama drive-nya. Pada kasus kami, nama drive adalah L sehingga perintahnya menjadi “bootsect.exe /nt52 L:”

9. Jika langkah 9 dilakukan dengan benar, akan muncul pesan “Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes”. Tutup jendela command tersebut dan jendela PeToUSB. catatan: jangan menutup jendela USB_Prep8. Jendela USB_Prep8 harus tetap terbuka.

10. Ketika Anda menutup jendela PeToUSB, di jendela USB_Prep8 secara otomatis akan muncul pilihan menu seperti gambar di bawah. Jika tidak, coba tekan Enter.

11. Pada tahap ini Anda sebenarnya cuma melakukan setting untuk Prep8, cuma caranya adalah memilih berdasarkan nomor menu. Yang harus Anda ganti adalah:
a. Menu 1: memilih drive tempat Windows XP (atau CD-ROM Anda). Caranya klik 1, nanti akan keluar Explorer untuk memilih drive. Pilih nama drive (di PC kami adalah C).
b. Menu 2: memilih Virtual TempDrive, atau drive virtual di harddisk PC Anda sebagai tempat menyimpan data sementara (sebelum dipindahkan ke flash disk). Pilih drive yang tidak ada di PC Anda, misalkan drive T.
c. Menu 3: untuk memilih drive flash disk Anda. Tekan 3 dan pilih drive flash disk yang ingin Anda masukkan Windows.
d. Menu 4: menu ini untuk menjalankan proses selanjutnya. Jika sudah menjalankan menu 1 sampai 3, Anda langsung jalankan menu 4 ini.

12. Nanti akan muncul pop-up window yang akan langsung menghapus drive sementara (yang kita lakukan di menu 2). Tekan Yes.

13. Setelah itu, proses transfer file installer Windows berjalan. Ada dua proses terjadi di sini. Pertama proses transfer file dari CD-ROM ke harddisk, dan kedua dari harddisk ke flash disk. Lamanya proses tergantung kecepatan CD-ROM maupun flash disknya, dan dalam kasus kami sekitar 30 menit.

14. Setelah itu, kita tinggal tancapkan flash disk tersebut ke PC yang akan kita install, dan atur prioritas booting ke flash disk. Ketika dinyalakan, ada dua pilihan yang tersedia. Pilih pilihan nomor 1(TXT Mode Setup Windows XP).

Setelah itu, proses instalasi berjalan seperti biasa, termasuk melakukan proses booting ulang. Tidak ada yang perlu Anda lakukan di sini, cukup tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah flash disk tidak boleh dicabut sampai proses selesai (sudah masuk Windows).

Nah, sekarang proses instalasi Windows bisa dilakukan meski Anda tidak memiliki CD-ROM. Praktis kan?

Sumber: InfoKomputer

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« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 12:19:13 PM by Ryan_saint »


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cara instal os lewat flash disk
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 11:03:26 AM »
waw,mantep nih..
Testing ah ntar ke laptop org..

Abis kaga punya laptop ane..

btw cari file yg dibutuhkannya,dmn yah?
Digoogle bnyk ga?


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cara instal os lewat flash disk
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 01:43:39 PM »
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 01:47:26 PM by Ryan_saint »


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cara instal os lewat flash disk
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2010, 09:50:01 PM »
kan ada di atas min, nih di ulang  :ehm

(alternative download)

(alternative download)

  (alternative download)
sip, ijin bukmak dolo..
Maklum via mobile..
Msh dikampung halaman neh..


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Re: cara instal os lewat flash disk
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 12:17:01 PM »
Di buat thread sendiri yah min, ok lah kalau begitu :)
ini sudah sering ku pakai dan jalan dengan baik :D