TorrentBitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been estimated that it accounted for roughly 43% to 70% of all Internet traffic (depending on geographical location) as of February 2009.[1]
Programmer Bram Cohen designed the protocol in April 2001 and released a first implementation on July 2, 2001.[2] It is now maintained by Cohen's company BitTorrent, Inc. There are numerous BitTorrent clients available for a variety of computing platforms.
As of January 2012 BitTorrent has 150 million active users according to BitTorrent Inc.. Based on this the total number of monthly BitTorrent users can be estimated at more than a quarter billion.[3] At any given instant of time BitTorrent has, on average, more active users than YouTube and Facebook combined. (This refers to the number of active users at any instant and not to the total number of unique users.)
Ok kalau mau jelas bisa baca di wiki sudah ada penjelasannya di atas beserta link (sorry bahasa Inggris)
Singkatnya torrent adalah protocol untuk transfer file besar dengan menghemat bandwith dengan bantuan seeder dan leecher.
seeder = sebagai server yaitu sebagai penyedia data, tanpa seeder jangan harap download berlanjut, leecher gak bisa di harapkan
leecher = kita user biasa biasanya di panggil leecher, tahu kan leech (lintah) kerjanya menyedot darah, sama seperti seeder akan mendownload data, dan tentu saja kalau sudah 100% leecher juga bisa ikut meringankan ikut mengupload data
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