« on: January 10, 2013, 04:45:33 PM »
ane kesulitan upload prestashop ke hosting. untuk database sudah fiks tapi saya gak bisa setting htaccesnya
mohon di periksa hasill upluad saya di hxxp://xxxxx .com/shop
saya desain di local host running tapi pas dihostingnya saya mengalami kesulitan. apakah server yang saya gunakan saat ini support untuk prestashop versi ? terimakasih atas bantuannya It is quite late for an answer, but i hope it will help someone else. Prestashop is coded to pull the site URL from its database upon request and then redirect to the shop URL of database, if you have moved the database and site to new server, access your database, in my case i used phpmyadmin. Go to table named ps_shop_url and change the entries for domain and domianssl accordingly. note: ps_ is the database prefix for prestashop. ########################################### Source:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8395805/prestashop-migration-broken-url-bad-redirect-and-cant-reset-admin-passwordCara gampangnya:kembali ke localhost anda, dan konfigurasi ulang di admin area domain URL, lalu upload ulang database ke server regards moreshare